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Journal articles, book chapters and reports

Journal articles

Bouzarovski, S., and Robinson, C. (2022). Injustices at the air-energy nexusEnvironment and Planning F. 


Chambers, J., Robinson, C., and Scott M. (2022). Digitalisation without detriment: A research agenda for digital inclusion in the future energy system. People, Place and Policy Online. 


Robinson, C., Franklin. R., Roberts, J. (2022). Optimising for equity. Sensor coverage, networks and the responsive city.  Annals of the Association of American Geographers.

Rowe, F., Robinson. C., & Patias, N. (2022). Sensing global changes in local patterns of energy consumption in cities during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic. Cities.

Sareen, S., Robinson, C., Thomson, H., & García Ochoa, R. (2022). Editorial: Urban Energy Poverty and Positive Energy Districts. Frontiers in Sustainable Cities Urban Energy End-Use.

Chen, C. F., Dietz, T., Fefferman, N. H., Greig, J., Cetin, K., Robinson, C., ... & Fu, R. (2022). Extreme events, energy security and equality through micro-and macro-levels: Concepts, challenges and methods. Energy Research & Social Science.


Robinson, C., & Franklin, R.S. (2021). The sensor desert quandary. What does it mean (not) to count in the smart city? Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers. 

Franklin, R. S., Houlden, V., Robinson, C., Arribas-Bel, D., Delmelle, E. C., Demsar, U., Miller, H.J. & O'Sullivan, D. (2021). Who Counts? Gender, Gatekeeping, and Quantitative Human Geography. The Professional Geographer.

Robinson, C. & Mattioli, G. (2020). Double energy vulnerability: Spatial intersections of domestic and transport energy poverty in England. Energy Research & Social Science.


Williams, J., Robinson, C., & Bouzarovski, S. (2020). China's Belt and Road Initiative and the emerging geographies of global urbanisation. The Geographical Journal. 

Robinson, C. (2019). Energy poverty and gender in England: A spatial perspective. Geoforum

Robinson, C., Lindley, S., & Bouzarovski, S. (2019). The spatially varying components of vulnerability to energy poverty. Annals of the American Association of Geographers.


Robinson, C., Yan, D., Bouzarovski, S., & Zhang, Y. (2018). Energy poverty and thermal comfort in northern urban China: A household-scale typology. Energy and Buildings. 


Robinson, C., Bouzarovski, S., & Lindley, S. (2018). Underrepresenting neighbourhood vulnerabilities? The measurement of fuel poverty in England. Environment and Planning A.

Robinson, C., Bouzarovski, S., & Lindley, S. (2018). ‘Getting the measure of fuel poverty’: The geography of fuel poverty indicators in England. Energy Research & Social Science. 

Book chapters

Robinson, C. (2022). Spatial approaches to energy poverty. In: Rey, S.J., and Franklin, R. (2022). Handbook of Spatial Analysis in the Social Sciences. Edward Elgar.


Robinson, C., Bouzarovski, S., & Lindley, S. (2018). Multiple vulnerabilities? Interrogating the spatial distribution of energy poverty measures in England. In: Simcock N., Thomson H., Petrova S., Bouzarovski S. (eds.): Energy poverty and vulnerability: a global perspective. Routledge. 

Policy reports

Robinson, C., and Simcock, N. (2022). How can policy protect fuel poor households from rising energy prices? Heseltine Institute for Public Policy, Practice and Place. 


Chambers, J., Robinson, C., and Scott M. (2022). Digital inclusion in the energy system: How do we ensure the opportunities and benefits of digitalisation can be accessed by everyone? PolicyBristol. 


Robinson, C., Rowe, F., and Patias, N. (2020). The Geography of the COVID-19 Pandemic in England. Heseltine Institute for Public Policy, Practice and Place. Policy Briefing 034.


Sareen, S., and Thomson, H. (Eds.) (2020) Moving beyond the state of the art in energy poverty measurement. ENGAGER Energy Poverty Action.

Hesselman, M., Tirado Herrero, S. (2020) (Eds.) New narratives and actors for citizen-led energy poverty dialogues. ENGAGER Energy Poverty Action.

Book reviews

Robinson, C. (2019). (Book review) Escaping the energy poverty trap: how governments power the lives of the poor. Local Environment. 

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